How does your skin feel when you step out of the shower? 

  • 你觉得它如丝般光滑还是干净?
  • 洗澡后你觉得又干又痒吗?
  • Do you have to lotion up every day to avoid itchiness and skin irritation?

你家里的水可能有 显著的影响 on the condition of your skin, and it may all come down to whether you have hard water or soft water.



Hard water contains dissolved minerals like calcium and magnesium. Those minerals make it harder for water to form a solution with soap, 然后就会留下一堆渣滓. 如果你家里有硬水, you’ll notice that white soap scum all over your bathroom fixtures. Hard water can also clog up your plumbing and your shower head, reducing pressure.

But what you may not realize is that same soap scum builds up on your skin. 而不是搓出漂亮的泡沫, you’re leaving behind a residue that clogs your pores the same way it clogs your pipes. Clogged pores can lead to breakouts and worsen skin conditions like acne or 湿疹.

The natural oils your body produces are distributed through the pores of your skin. When those pores are clogged, the oil gets trapped and blemishes like pimples and zits form.


Not only can soap scum from hard water clog your pores, 许多人发现它还会使他们感到干燥, 痒, 和愤怒. The minerals in hard water can actually strip moisture from your skin while preventing the natural oils your body produces from doing their job, 哪一种是润滑皮肤并保持水分的. 硬水也可能使你的皮肤衰老得更快. That means it could cause you to look older than you really are!

皮肤科医生,博士. 丹尼斯·格罗斯说 that many of the impurities in hard water, like iron and magnesium, can form free radicals that 损害健康皮肤细胞. 这会导致细纹和皱纹. Free radical damage can even cause a breakdown of collagen, which is a structural protein that helps your skin look and feel firm and healthy.

If you are experiencing the negative effects of hard water; don’t worry – 有一个解决办法.

Why Soft 水 Is Better For Maintaining 健康y-Looking Skin

One of the biggest advantages to having a water softener installed in our home is the fact that soft water is better for cleaning. That goes for your clothes and dishes as well as your skin. Soft water makes it easier to form a sudsy lather, and it makes it easier to rinse the soap away. That means your soap works more efficiently and you aren’t left with that pore-clogging soap scum residue all over your body.

Because of the fact you don’t get a good lather with hard water, 你会发现自己用了更多的肥皂来清洁, 这只会使问题更加恶化. But with soft water, you will be able to use less soap product to get clean. 事实上, 安装软水器后, you may not need to purchase the expensive body wash and lotion you thought you needed. 这真的很容易理解……

硬水对皮肤很硬. 软水对你的皮肤更温和. 硬水使水很难完全清洁. Soft water is better for getting your body completely clean.

Squeaky Clean vs. 你的自然光泽

Some people get used to the feeling of washing their bodies in hard water. They incorrectly assume that the “squeaky clean feeling” we get after showering means the soap did its job. 然而, what you’re really experiencing is the sticky soap scum all over you – not to mention dead skin and dirt that didn’t get washed away.

另一方面, when some people first have a water softener installed in their home, 他们注意到皮肤有滑溜的感觉. It’s easy to assume you are not getting completely clean and blame it on the soft water, 但事实并非如此.

The slippery feeling is how your clean skin is actually supposed to feel. Since the natural oils from your own body haven’t been stripped from your skin, it feels different. Don’t forget, those natural oils serve an important purpose.

The truth is, the idea of “squeaky clean skin” is more of a marketing tactic than anything else. 这种吱吱声来自于矿藏和肥皂渣.


Softening your water is not a cure for any sort of skin disease or chronic condition. 然而, it can be a helpful step towards avoiding irritation and improving certain health problems. There has been a significant amount of research examining how hard water may impact the common skin condition, 湿疹. This is something that experts say affects 20% of kids 11 and under, 还有8%的青少年和成年人.

一项研究 这发生在美国.K. found schoolchildren who lived in areas with hard water were 50% more likely to suffer from 湿疹. Other agencies have identified hard water as an environmental trigger for 湿疹.

硬水可能不是皮肤问题的原因, but there is a lot of evidence indicating it can aggravate things further. 用软水, you’ll be less likely to clog your pores and dry out your skin, 你就不会那么痒和烦躁了, 你就更有可能拥有美丽的, 想要干净的皮肤.


皮肤和 头发 issues may not be the only problem hard water is causing you and your family. 查看加拿大28走势图的文章 8大硬水问题 更多的迹象. 看看 硬水对电器的影响有多大.

If you’re sick and tired of dealing with hard water in your home, a water softener is the most effective and most permanent solution to hard water challenges. 水权 makes some of the most innovative residential water treatment products on the market.





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